Friday, July 17, 2009

Final project

Purpose: To get families more involved in the classroom and have a manageable way for kids to use technology in my classroom.
How: I am working on a set of Wiki pages to use in my classroom. I am looking for websites that the students can use to practice skills, reinforce concepts, etc. I am thinking that this will be a place where I can post assignments and information about the classroom. I would like it to be interactive so that parents could add sites that they find.
Grade level: 2
Why this tool: This tool is easy to manage and tweak as needed.
Changes in my teaching practice: Currently I use very little technology with the students. I use computers and the internet in my own professional practice.
How is this collaborative: I will teach the second grade team about delicious bookmarks and hopefully bring them on board to share. Globally, I will use the RSS feeds, blogs and other search tools to look for more information to add to my wiki or to tweak my wiki.
View my project in progress: SLS2Flanagin

1 comment:

  1. Kim - You might want to talk to the technology people in MSAD #52, Turner, because I believe they are moving away from the First Class web pages to wikis. If Sharon Betts is still there, she is a big advocate for wikis and she works with teachers to help them with class pages, etc.Try
    -- Grace
